Lesley N."I've had the privilege of working with Matt for the last three months. Starting a workout program can be daunting, overwhelming and difficult. Matt is patient and understanding. I had a million reasons ready to go why I couldn't do what he was asking, why it wouldn't work and he just listened. He truly heard me and knew when to push and when to be patient.
I love the fact that I can show up and Matt has a plan ready to go. Every day he changes it up so it never gets boring. When you work with Matt, you are part of his family. As soon as you enter the gym, he goes out of his way to introduce you to everyone there. No matter how hard that days workout was, I always walk out with a smile. His sense of humor is awesome and most importantly, he doesn't judge. He will be a partner in your journey and you honestly can't find a better one :)." |
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